
عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, ٢٠١٩

Building up A Successful Trading Strategy

Any individual who knows the slightest bit about stock exchanging or day exchanging has heard the term 'exchanging technique.' An exchanging procedure is a basic idea – it's fundamentally the guide that a broker follows while exchanging the business sectors. An exchanging system is administered by a bunch of decisions that don't veer off for something besides market activity. Loyally following a sound exchanging system will furnish you with your most prominent weapon against your most noticeably awful foe – your feelings. With an exchanging system, you'll know precisely when to purchase and when to sell, paying little mind to what the market does or what your feelings are advising you.  About Day Trading Strategies  Each productive dealer will disclose to you that the way to exchanging achievement is a successful, solid exchanging methodology. You, as a broker, need to recognize a triumphant framework, execute it and have the order to adhere to it. In spite of the f...

القارئ هزاع البلوشى (ولا تحسبن الله غافلا عما يعملوا الظالمين)

القارئ هزاع البلوشى صوت رائع جدا ولا تحسبن الله غافلا عما يعملوا الظالمين

احسن هدف فى 2019 هدف مكه محمد صلاح


قصه الجنيه المصرى

في سبتمبر 1918، العام الأخير للحرب العالمية الأولى، أرسلت مصر أكثر من ٥٠٠ ألف فرنك فرنسي لإنقاذ الشعب البلجيكي من الفقر ومرض السل، ولم تنفك مصر عن ضخ الأموال للشعب الذي ضربته الحرب، ما دفع الملكة إليزابيث، ملكة بلجيكا آنذاك، لإرسال خطاب بخط يدها تعرب فيه عن امتنانها من كرم الشعب المصري وحاكمه، مؤكدة أن ما قدمته مصر للشعب البلجيكي يستوجب من بلجيكا أن تمد يدها وترد لمصر جميل صنيعها إذا احتاجت مصر لبلجيكا في يوم من الأيام. أظهر عالم الاقتصاد الأمريكي، ناثان لويس في بحث أجراه عام 2011، أن مصر ظلّت أكبر دولة ذات غطاء نقدي من الذهب في العالم، تحديدًا منذ عام 1926، وحتى أوائل الخمسينات وذلك على الرغم من قيامها بتخفيض قيمة العملة، عام 1931، كباقي دول العالم في تلك الفترة، لتتفوق على جميع دول العالم من حيث قوة العملة الخاصة بها بما فيها بريطانيا. وقد جاء بموقع جريدة الوفد المصرية أن مصر كانت غير مديونة خارجيًا، بل أنها كانت دائنة لانجلترا بـ 539 مليونًا و288 ألف جنيه استرليني وبالبنك الأهلي 154.5 طن ذهب، وكانت قيمة الديون الداخلية 85 مليونًا من الجنيهات. وقبل ثورة 1952، أصدرت الحكومة...

لا تدعوا على انفسكم ولا على اولادكم

الممثلة وداد حمدى قالت لـ "كاميليا" فى فيلم قمر 14 : يارب تموتى محروقة ردت كاميليا : يارب تموتى بسكينة فى قلبك . وفعلاً  كاميليا ماتت محروقة في تحطم طيارة في عام 1950 م و وداد حمدي قتلها الريجيسير بسكينة في قلبها بهدف السرقة عام 1994 م إسماعيل ياسين ليه أغنية فى فيلم صاحبة العصمة بتقول الفقر جميل ، اللهم أفقرني كمان اللهم أغنى عدويني وبالفعل مات فقير مديون ولم يجدوا حتي مصاريف جنازته فى احدى اللقاءات الإذاعية مع الممثل أنور وجدى أتسأل عن الصحة والمال فكانت أجابته المال بل إنه دعى ربنا بأن يعطيه المال وأمراض الدنيا كلها ،، فتقبل الله منه وأعطاه المال ومات في عز شبابه بسبب مرض واحد وهو الفشل الكلوى أحد الأمهات اتصلت على إذاعة القرآن الكريم وقالت انها كانت دائماً بتدعي على بنتها الشقية (ربنا يحرق دمك) وفعلا البنت أصيبت بسرطان الدم وماتت بعدها بشهور واحد صاحب والد صديق ، كبير في السن عنده ولد واحد بيقوله ليه ماجبتش إلا ولد واحد وانت ربنا كارمك بسم الله ماشاء الله قاله أمي دعيت علي مراتي بعد الولد الأول بسبب مشكلة وقالت ( يارب ماتخاويه) ومراتي حملت كذا مرة بعدها وتسقط و...

عباره جميله للشيخ محمد راتب النابلسي

عباره جمیله للشيخ محمد راتب النابلسي تكتب بماء الذهب       نحن لا نملك تغییر الماضي             و لا رسم المستقبل ..          فلماذا نقتل انفسنا حسرة         على شيءلا نستطیع تغییره؟         الحياة قصیرة وأهـدافها كثيرة              فانظر إلى السحاب            و لا تنظر إلى التراب ..            إذا ضاقت بك الدروب              فعلیك بعلام الغیوب       و قل الحمدلله على كل شيء  سفينة (تايتنك) بناها مئات الأشخاص وسفينة ( نــوح ) بناها شخص واحد   الأولى غرقت والثانية حملت البشــرية ..      التوفيق من الله سبحانه وتعالى        نحن لسنا السكان الأصليين           لهذا الكوكب (الأرض) !!        بل نحن ننتمي إلى ( الجنّة ) ...

Reading Power Vocabulary

Reading Power Vocabulary Text Hello, this is AJ again. Big smile…deep breath. Move that body, let’s start the vocabulary lesson for “The Power of Reading.” Okay, one of the words we had in there was competence. Now, Dr. Krashen said people develop competence when they read. They develop the competence they need to move from the beginning level to a level where they can use the language for more difficult purposes. Competence, competence. Competence means skill or ability. So when you read you develop more advanced skill in English. You develop more advanced competence in English. So competence means skill or ability. And then we have the word demanding, right? He says you develop the competence for more demanding purposes. More demanding purposes, more demanding actions. More demanding challenges. Demanding just means difficult. Difficult. So in other words you get better and better. You can do more difficult things with the language. So in the beginning maybe you have ve...

Power ponit

His name will be Filbert. Filbert the monkey will love to shoot mosquitoes with his gun, with his rifle. In fact, he’ll have total competence with that rifle. He’ll be excellent with that rifle. He’ll have total, complete competence with the rifle. Now, of course, shooting mosquitoes is very demanding. It’s very tough. It’s very difficult. So, he’ll practice every day. He’s going to practice in the morning. He’s going to practice in the afternoon. He’s going to practice in the evening. He’s going to practice at night. He’s going to practice constantly because it’s so demanding to shoot mosquitoes. Now, of course, he’s not only going to shoot mosquitoes. He’s going to be a well read monkey also. He’ll be a very well read monkey. He’ll read a lot of philosophy books. Especially books by the Dalai Lama of Tibet, he’s going to read a lot of books by the Dalai Lama. And because of this, he’s going to subconsciously learn the philosophy of the Dalai Lama of Tibet. He’ll learn ab...

Power point

He started to read books by the Dalai Lama. He read books by the Dalai Lama constantly. And then something else happened. He subconsciously learned the philosophy of the Dalai Lama. And he changed. Filbert the monkey changed. Why did he change? Because he read a lot of books by the Dalai Lama of Tibet. How did he change? Well, he became very peaceful. Because he read a lot of books by the Dalai Lama of Tibet he became very peaceful. And he decided to never kill again. He threw his gun into the river and he said “I will never kill again.” Filbert the monkey became a very peaceful, loving monkey. The End * * * * * Okay, now, you probably noticed again there was a change. It happens in most of these stories that begin with “Since 2002…” or “Since something…” And the change happened when I said “He started to read books by the Dalai Lama.” Right? That happened, it was a sudden thing. It was one point in time. He started. You can’t continually start something, right? It ju...

Power point

Reading Power Point-of-View Text Okay, welcome to the POV, that’s point of view, lesson for “The Power of Reading.” Okay, and I’m going to tell the same story about Filbert the monkey. We’re going to have tow points of view. One is going to start with “Since 2002…” and the other one will be in the future. So let’s start with the first one. You ready? You feel good? You smiling? Standing tall, shoulders back! Deep breath, let’s do it. * * * * * Since 2002, since the year 2002, Filbert has enjoyed shooting mosquitoes with his gun. He has liked to shoot mosquitoes with his gun, since 2002. In 2001 did Filbert enjoy shooting mosquitoes? No, no he didn’t. Not in 2001. In 2001 and before he never shot mosquitoes, but since 2002 he has liked to shoot mosquitoes with his gun. He has loved it, in fact. Since 2002 Filbert the monkey has loved to shoot mosquitoes with his gun. From 2002 right up until almost now, during that whole time. So since 2002 he has enjoyed shooting mosquit...

Readind power mini story5

He became a very peaceful monkey. Did he become a peaceful monkey or a violent monkey? He became a peaceful monkey. Why did he become a peaceful monkey? Well, because he subconsciously learned from the Dalai Lama. He subconsciously learned the philosophy of the Dalai Lama, which was peace and kindness. So Filbert never killed again. He became a peaceful, loving, wonderful monkey. The End. * * * * * Alright, good. Well, I hope you’re feeling peaceful and loving right now and I hope you’re feeling happy and I hope you’re smiling. And if you’re not, do it now! Deep breath, big smile, shoulders back, chest up. Feel great. You are learning English. It’s a great day. You’re feeling wonderful. See you next time.

Reading power mini story4

by the Dalai Lama and he shot mosquitoes. He was a well read monkey with competence in the rifle. Now because he read so many books by the Dalai Lama he subconsciously learned the Dalai Lama’s philosophy. Did he consciously learn the Dalai Lama’s philosophy? No, not consciously. He didn’t try to learn it. He didn’t try to memorize it. Not a lot of effort. He subconsciously learned the Dalai Lama’s philosophy. Did he learn it effortlessly? Yes, he did. He learned it effortlessly. Did he learn it intuitively, naturally? Yes, he learned it subconsciously. He learned the Dalai Lama’s philosophy subconsciously, naturally and intuitively. What did he learn subconsciously? The Dalai Lama’s philosophy, he learned the Dalai Lama’s philosophy subconsciously. Who learned the Dalai Lama’s philosophy subconsciously? Filbert the monkey, Filbert the mosquito shooting monkey subconsciously learned the Dalai Lama’s philosophy. Now of course the Dalai Lama’s philosophy is very peaceful...

Reading power mini story3

No, no, no, no, no, no. Filbert was a very intelligent monkey actually. In fact he was very well read. He would read books and shoot mosquitoes at the same time. So he’s reading a book and shooting, pow, pow, pow, pow, pow. What kind of monkey was Filbert? He was a well read monkey. So did he read a lot of books? Yes, he read a lot of books. He was a well read monkey. So he was a well read chicken, right? Not a chicken, he wasn’t a chicken. He was a monkey. He was a well read monkey. He was a monkey that read a lot of books. Who was a well read monkey? Filbert, Filbert was a well read monkey. He was a well read monkey and he had total competence with a rifle. In fact he could shoot and read at the same time. What did he shoot? He shot mosquitoes. He shot mosquitoes every day. What did he read? Well, he read philosophy books. Filbert read books about philosophy. He read books about religion and philosophy. He read Plato and Aristotle. He read books about Buddhism. He...

Readig power mini story 2

With his gun…pow, pow, pow… Luckily he had total competence with his gun. Was he very skilled with his gun? Oh, yes. He was very skilled. He was very good with the gun. He had total competence with his gun. Who had total competence with his gun? Filbert the monkey, Filbert the monkey had total competence, total skill with his gun. He had total competence with what kind of gun? With a small handgun? No, he didn’t have total competence with a handgun. He had competence with a rifle. A rifle is a big, long gun. Who had competence with a rifle? Well, Filbert the monkey, Filbert the monkey had total competence, total skill, great, high skill with his rifle. Because, in fact, shooting mosquitoes is very demanding. Is it easy to shoot mosquitoes? No, it’s not. It’s not easy to shoot mosquitoes. It’s very demanding. It’s very tough. It’s very difficult to shoot mosquitoes. Is it easy to shoot mosquitoes or is it difficult to shoot mosquitoes? It’s difficult. It’s very demand...

Reading Power Mini-Story text

Reading Power Mini-Story Text Okay, are you ready? I hope so. Big smile. Deep breath. Move that body. Feeling good. You’re a fantastic English learner. Are you ready? Are you ready? Let’s do some English here. Mini-story for “The Power of Reading.” * * * * * There was a monkey. The monkey’s name was Filbert. What was there? There was a monkey. And what was his name? Filbert, his name was Filbert. What was Filbert? Filbert was a monkey, of course. What did Filbert like to do? Oh, you don’t know? Well, Filbert liked to shoot mosquitoes with a gun. Hm, interesting, yes. Filbert liked to shoot mosquitoes (y’know, bzzzz), he liked to shoot mosquitoes with his gun. What did Filbert like to do? He liked to shoot mosquitoes with his gun. What did he like to shoot? Mosquitoes, Filbert liked to shoot mosquitoes. With what?


be reading the same books that I read for pleasure, for fun, that native speakers read. But don’t start there. Go back and just start with children’s novels and read and read and read. Your grammar will improve automatically and effortlessly. Your vocabulary will explode, it will increase so much so fast. You won’t believe it. It’s amazing. So please, follow this. Reading is so powerful but it has to be reading for fun, reading for pleasure.


you want to write well, if you want to have a great English vocabulary, if you want to have great English grammar you need to read and read and read. And what you need to read are novels. Novels are the key, easy novels. So here’s my rule. What does easy mean for you? My rule is you should not need a dictionary to read the book. So if you grab a, let’s say you grab a book by Stephen King, kind of a famous writer in the United States. You get a Stephen King book, in English of course, and you start reading it but, oh, there’s so many words you don’t know. And you need a dictionary. You get your dictionary and you’re looking up all these words. Well, it’s too difficult for you. If you need a dictionary to understand it, it’s too difficult. Okay, so, you know, put it aside and wait. You can read it later when your reading skills are higher. But for now find an easier book. I recommend children’s novels. I think they are a fantastic way to learn. You can get the Goosebumps boo...


When we read we really have no choice. We must develop literacy. We rarely find well‑read people who have serious problems with grammar, spelling and so on. They write acceptably well because they can’t help it. They have subconsciously acquired good writing style as well as the conventions of writing. Our problem in language education, as Frank Smith has pointed out, is that we have confused cause and effect. We have assumed that we first learn language skills and then apply these skills to reading and writing. But that is not the way the human brain works. Rather, reading for meaning, reading about things that matter to us is the cause of language development.” So, very interesting, what does that mean? So what it means is that you don’t first learn skills. You learn writing skills. You learn spelling skills. You learn how to do a sentence. You learn how to make a paragraph. And then later you can read and write well. That’s exactly the opposite of what actually happen...

Power 2

Now the other way, the other method, and this is the method, in fact that works much, much better according to Dr. Krashen’s research, according to a lot of other research. It’s just reading for fun, imagine that! And what that means is reading a lot of easy books. Now for children that might be comic books. It might be just children’s novels. And it’s just reading, reading, reading, in other words we learn to read by reading. We learn vocabulary from reading. We learn a lot of our grammar from reading. We learn our writing skills from reading. Not by analyzing and studying grammar. Not be trying to memorize vocabulary. If you read something very easy, you know most of the words. And then you find a new word, you don’t need to memorize it. You will start to understand that word just because you understand the general meaning of the story. You understand the whole paragraph. You understand the sentence. So that one word you can guess the meaning. And then guess what happens?...

Power Main Text

Reading Power Main Text Hi, this is AJ. Time for the next lesson. Now this is one of my favorite topics by one of my favorite people so I want you to be extra happy, extra strong body and physiology for this one. So stand up straight. Get those shoulders back. Chest up. Breathe deep. Get that air going in there. Energize your body. Big, big, super big smile, huge smile. Make everyone think you’re super crazy. Now move your body. Come on, get it moving now. If you’re standing you just kind of wiggle around. Move those arms, move those legs. If you can, start walking. Get the blood going. Get that energy going. Let’s go! Are you ready? This lesson is called “The Power of Reading” and it comes from an article by Dr. Stephen Krashen. He’s one of my favorite people in the world. Dr. Stephen Krashen is probably the number one expert on language learning and language teaching in the world. He is just an incredible professor, an incredible researcher, an incredible intellectual. ...

Stop. Give yourself a little break

you need to do is just wake your body up again so pause. Pause that lesson. Stop. Give yourself a little break. Change. Listen to some exciting fun music again. Get up, dance around, move, smile big, get your posture strong again, breathe more deeply. Wake up your body, maybe for 5 minutes…and then back to the lesson again. Do this every time. Anytime during a lesson you start to feel tired or bored, just pause. Take a break, a 5 minute break and wake up your body. So anytime during a mini‑story, during a main article, during a vocabulary lesson, it doesn’t matter. Pause anytime you feel your energy going down. Change, listen to your favorite music, jump around, move, make your posture strong again, smile bigger. Start feeling great. Get that energy in your body then return to the lesson again. Okay, so that’s it for the main article here of “Emotional Mastery.” You’re going to focus on your physiology. You’re going to focus on mastering your body, using your body to chan...

ster’re going to talk about it more now in detail

breathe deeply. You’re going to have a big grin on your face, smiling. And then you’re going to move. Because movement creates energy and energy wakes up your body so that you learn faster. I mentioned this in the introduction a little bit. We’re going to talk about it more now in detail. You should always be moving your body while you’re learning English. This is the opposite of everything you learned in school. In school they told you “Don’t move. Sit in your chair.” Right, so you’re sitting in your chair and what happened? Your body became stiff, you became tired. You were bored. Well this is the opposite. You’re not in school anymore. You’re learning independently and it means you’re in control now. And so I want you to do the opposite of what happened in school. I want you to move your body every time you’re learning English. This can be very simple. If you’re sitting in a train, okay, it’s hard to walk around. So you could just stretch your body. Consciously stretch,...

The effect English clip

feel in my body a lot more energy. So taking deep breaths, it’s such a simple way. yet it’s very powerful. That’s why in a lot of spiritual traditions,  also in martial arts, in sports, you find that they will focus on breathing. They will tell their students to breathe more deeply. They have a very kind of controlled way of breathing because they know by breathing very deeply they can change their emotional state and their physical state. Increase their energy. Increase the aliveness in their brain, the alertness in their brain. So this is another thing I want you to do before you learn English. Any kind of studying, these lessons or a book, anything, I want you to focus on breathing deeply. Maybe just two minutes, for two minutes I want you to take deep breaths. Hold it for maybe 2, 3, 4 seconds and then let it out. Then do it again. Hold it…and breathe out…and again and again, 1 or 2 minutes deep breathing. Of course, at the same time remember you’re changing how your body is mo...
feel in my body a lot more energy. So taking deep breaths, it’s such a simple way and yet it’s very powerful. That’s why in a lot of spiritual traditions, in Buddhism for example, and also in martial arts, in sports, you find that they will focus on breathing. They will tell their students to breathe more deeply. They have a very kind of controlled way of breathing because they know by breathing very deeply they can change their emotional state and their physical state. Increase their energy. Increase the aliveness in their brain, the alertness in their brain. So this is another thing I want you to do before you learn English. Any kind of studying, these lessons or a book, anything, I want you to focus on breathing deeply. Maybe just two minutes, for two minutes I want you to take deep breaths. Hold it for maybe 2, 3, 4 seconds and then let it out. Then do it again. Hold it…and breathe out…and again and again, 1 or 2 minutes deep breathing. Of course at the same time rememb...

The effect English 4

feel in my body a lot more energy. So taking deep breaths, it’s such a simple way and yet it’s very powerful. That’s why in a lot of spiritual traditions, in Buddhism for example, and also in martial arts, in sports, you find that they will focus on breathing. They will tell their students to breathe more deeply. They have a very kind of controlled way of breathing because they know by breathing very deeply they can change their emotional state and their physical state. Increase their energy. Increase the aliveness in their brain, the alertness in their brain. So this is another thing I want you to do before you learn English. Any kind of studying, these lessons or a book, anything, I want you to focus on breathing deeply. Maybe just two minutes, for two minutes I want you to take deep breaths. Hold it for maybe 2, 3, 4 seconds and then let it out. Then do it again. Hold it…and breathe out…and again and again, 1 or 2 minutes deep breathing. Of course at the same time rememb...

The effect English 3

feel in my body a lot more energy. So taking deep breaths, it’s such a simple way and  yet it’s very powerful. That’s why in a lot of spiritual traditions,  also in martial arts, in sports, you find that they will focus on breathing. They will tell their students to breathe more deeply. They have a very kind of controlled way of breathing because they know by breathing very deeply they can change their emotional state and their physical state. Increase their energy. Increase the aliveness in their brain, the alertness in their brain. So this is another thing I want you to do before you learn English. Any kind of studying, these lessons or a book, anything, I want you to focus on breathing deeply. Maybe just two minutes, for two minutes I want you to take deep breaths. Hold it for maybe 2, 3, 4 seconds and then let it out. Then do it again. Hold it…and breathe out…and again and again, 1 or 2 minutes deep breathing. Of course at the same time remember you’re ch...
Usually your shoulders are going to be forward. Is your head going to be up or is your head going to be down? Well, usually when you’re tired you’re head is going to be a little bit down, your chin will be kind of down. What about your face? Will you have a big smile on your face or will your face be kind of loose? Well, it’s usually going to be more use, right? You’re not usually smiling big when you feel tired. And your eyes, where are your eyes looking usually when you’re tired? Again, down. So the whole body tends to be forward and down when you feel tired. So an easy, very simple way to change how you feel, how you physically feel, your emotion and in your body is to just make small changes in the way you’re using your body. Try it now. Lean forward. Put your shoulders forward. Put your chin down. Look down. Put your body into a tired position, notice how you feel. Now let’s change it. Pull your shoulders back and your chest up. Bring your chin up. Bring your eyes up. ...

Emotional Mastery Main

Emotional Mastery Main Text Okay, welcome to the main audio for “Emotional Mastery.” So let’s talk about emotional mastery in more detail now. How can you manage your emotions, how can you control, I don’t like the word control, but let’s just say manage your emotions so that you feel better and stronger while you’re learning English. So it’s easy to say that “Oh, feel good when you’re learning English,” but unfortunately a lot of people feel bad when they’re learning English. A lot of people feel bored. Or maybe just in your life in general, you’re tired, you’re working hard, and it’s difficult to learn English also and still feel energetic and happy. So we have to learn some techniques, some methods to manage our emotions, to make sure our emotions are feeling strong while we’re learning. And remember, again, that emotion and psychology are 80% of success. And a lot of people talk about this in the academic world. Dr. Stephen Krashen, again he’s the top expert on languag...

مشروع تطبيق اسطى مصر

                 مشروع تطبيق اسطى مصر  تطبيق اسطى مصر هو تطبيق الكترونى يتم استخدامه من قبل الاجهزه المحموله الذكيه حيث قومنا بانشاءه نظر للمشكله التى تواجه الكثير من الافراد والشركات وهى البحث عن مهنى او صنايعى اوحرفى يقدم خدمه ما ايقوم بصيانه شيئ ما اوتركيب وخلافه فكثير من الافراد والشركات يهدروا الكثير من الوقت للبحث عن صنايعى ماهر موثوف فيه ولم يجدوا فتطبيق اسطى مصر يجمع لك جميع الصنايعيه بجميع التخصصات فى مكان واحد   فكره ااتطبيق هو تطبيق يسمح لكل صنايعى بتسجيل بياناته عليه اسمه ومعلومات الاتصال والتخصص وعرض سجل اعماله السابقه والوقت المناسب للاتصال وسعر الخدمه المقدمه ان امكن ويسمح للعميل بالبحث فى ذلك التطبيق عن الصنايعى المحدد ومن ثم مراسلته واجراء صفقه وبعد الاتنهاء من تقديم الخدمه له يعود العميل لتقيم الصنايعى على الموقع ليراه الاخرون وهكذا تحققت من صحت فكرتى قمت بتحديد الفئه المستهدفه وقمت بترويج الفكره بين معارفى فلاقت ترحيب ومن ثم اقوم بعد نموذج مبدائ للتطبيق وت...