Usually your shoulders are going to be forward. Is your head going to be up or is your
head going to be down? Well, usually when you’re tired you’re head is going to be a
little bit down, your chin will be kind of down. What about your face? Will you have a
big smile on your face or will your face be kind of loose? Well, it’s usually going to be
more use, right? You’re not usually smiling big when you feel tired. And your eyes,
where are your eyes looking usually when you’re tired? Again, down. So the whole
body tends to be forward and down when you feel tired. So an easy, very simple way to
change how you feel, how you physically feel, your emotion and in your body is to just
make small changes in the way you’re using your body.
Try it now. Lean forward. Put your shoulders forward. Put your chin down. Look down.
Put your body into a tired position, notice how you feel. Now let’s change it. Pull your
shoulders back and your chest up. Bring your chin up. Bring your eyes up. Look up.
And now, even if you don’t feel happy, I want you to smile really big. Put a big smile on
your face, fake it. Look stupid. Okay, so a big smile, shoulders back, chest up, eyes up
and a big stupid smile, a big grin, on your face. Do you feel differently now? You
probably do.
Just by changing the position of your body, I’m doing it right now myself, I can feel that I
feel more energetic. I feel happier just by shifting my body. When I go back and I put
my shoulders forward and my chin down and my eyes down, I can feel some energy
going down, right? The energy in my body gets less. When I pull my shoulders back,
my chest up, my chin up, my eyes up, I’m smiling big, just faking it, acting like a crazy
person, I feel much better. And you do, too. So that is such an easy way to change
how you feel, to change your emotional state just by shifting your body. It’s a simple
way to get control of your emotions and to master your emotions.
So here’s what I want you to do. Every time you listen to these lessons or any English
lessons or any kind of English studying, I want you to first change your body. Before
you listen to those lessons and while you’re listening, I want you to think about,
consciously think about pulling your shoulders back, pushing your chest up, chin up,
eyes up, and make yourself smile. You probably didn’t smile much in your English
classes when you were younger but this time I want you to smile even if you feel like
you are being stupid. It doesn’t matter, do it.
You’re going to change your body and by changing your body you’re going to feel better,
you’re going to have more energy. And when you have more energy, when you feel
better, you learn faster. There’s a lot of research about this. And it shows that people
who have more energy, who are feeling good emotionally, learn faster. People who are
tired and bored learn much more slowly.
What’s another way that you can change your emotion by changing your body? Well
another very easy way is through breathing. How you breathe determines the energy in
your body and how you feel. So for example if you have a very shallow breath, you’re
breathing very shallowly…small little breaths…tight chest. You’re going to feel different
than if you’re taking big breaths that are deep…that was just two breaths, already I can
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