breathe deeply. You’re going to have a big grin on your face, smiling. And then you’re
going to move. Because movement creates energy and energy wakes up your body so
that you learn faster. I mentioned this in the introduction a little bit. We’re going to talk
about it more now in detail.
You should always be moving your body while you’re learning English. This is the
opposite of everything you learned in school. In school they told you “Don’t move. Sit
in your chair.” Right, so you’re sitting in your chair and what happened? Your body
became stiff, you became tired. You were bored. Well this is the opposite. You’re not
in school anymore. You’re learning independently and it means you’re in control now.
And so I want you to do the opposite of what happened in school.
I want you to move your body every time you’re learning English. This can be very
simple. If you’re sitting in a train, okay, it’s hard to walk around. So you could just
stretch your body. Consciously stretch, stretch your leg a little bit. Stretch your arm.
Move your head around in a circle. Small little stretches, just make sure your body is
moving even a little bit. Even better is to go for a walk. You have an iPod. You’re
listening to the lessons. Get outside. Walk on the street. Walk in the country. Walk in
the woods. It doesn’t matter. Get out and walk. Move your body. Keep your posture
strong while you’re walking. Shoulders back, chin up, eyes up, chest up…breathe
deeply while you walk. And of course, smile big while you’re walking.
Everyone will think you’re crazy. It doesn’t matter. Use this system. I promise you
you’re going to have a totally different experience while you’re learning English.
Nothing like the schools you went to before. So it’s very important. If you want to, if you
love to exercise, you can run while you’re learning English. Put on your running shoes.
Get some exercise in your body at the same time that you’re learning. You can do two
things at the same time. So walk or run. Keep that body moving at the same time
always. It’s going to keep energy coming into your body, flowing into your body. That
wakes up your brain and that makes you learn so much faster. Another idea is go to the
gym. Bring your iPod again and work out, lift weights or do whatever you do at the gym.
Again you’re using your body, engaging your body at the same time.
Okay so let me just review very quickly how you’re going to use physiology to master
your emotions. Number one, posture. Shoulders back, chin up, eyes up, chest up.
Number two, breathing…deep, deep breathing. Number three, your face. A big smile
every time you’re learning English. Even if you feel terrible, I don’t care. Smile big
while you’re listening to these lessons. And then finally, number four, movement.
You’re always going to be moving your body somehow. If you’re in your car, if you’re in
the train or the bus, you’re going to maybe make small movements. But ideally the best
thing to do is to be outside walking, moving that body, or in the gym, or even running.
So you’re going to change your physiology. Now what happens if after maybe 20
minutes, 30 minutes, you start to feel tired again. You’re listening to the lesson and
you’re starting to get a little bored “Oh, AJ keeps talking…oh god…oh I’m getting bored
with this.” Well, you can just quit…that’s what most people do. But don’t do that. What
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