Now the other way, the other method, and this is the method, in fact that works much,
much better according to Dr. Krashen’s research, according to a lot of other research.
It’s just reading for fun, imagine that! And what that means is reading a lot of easy
books. Now for children that might be comic books. It might be just children’s novels.
And it’s just reading, reading, reading, in other words we learn to read by reading. We
learn vocabulary from reading. We learn a lot of our grammar from reading. We learn
our writing skills from reading. Not by analyzing and studying grammar. Not be trying to
memorize vocabulary. If you read something very easy, you know most of the words.
And then you find a new word, you don’t need to memorize it. You will start to
understand that word just because you understand the general meaning of the story.
You understand the whole paragraph. You understand the sentence.
So that one word you can guess the meaning. And then guess what happens? You see
that new word again somewhere else in the book. And then you start, it’s in a different
situation. A little bit different paragraph, a little bit different sentence, and now you’re
“Ah” you understand it a little more. Then you see it again in another paragraph,
somewhere else in the book. And over time you will naturally learn that word. You’ll
never try to memorize it. You will never study it but you will learn it. You will know it
forever. That’s the best way to learn vocabulary. There’s a lot of research about this.
They compare people who try to memorize vocabulary with books, textbooks, that is.
And then other people who learn just by reading easy books all the time. They’re
reading novels all the time. They’re reading, reading, reading.
Which group of people learns more vocabulary faster? The readers, the people who
are just reading for fun. They’re just reading a lot of fun, easy novels and books. Those
people have much bigger vocabularies than people who are actually trying to study
vocabulary. It’s the same for grammar. People who are studying grammar, study, study
grammar rules, study grammar textbooks. And then other people who are just reading
lots of novels. They’re reading, reading, reading all the time. Comic books, novels,
articles, stories, the readers have better grammar than the people who are studying
grammar from textbooks. It’s a huge difference. And the more you read over time, the
bigger the difference. The better your grammar gets compared to people who are using
textbooks. So this is a huge topic. It is so important.
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